Custom Soil Blending
Serving the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon
We’ll mix it your way
Business Office: Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm
Call to Order: 541-826-9422
Local area deliveries available at additional charge.
Acceptable Methods of Payment
Cash, all major credit cards, debit, check.
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's day.
Cannabis and hemp are booming industries in Southern Oregon. Whether you’re a hobbyist with four plants or running a commercial operation, an optimized soil blend can help you take your grow to the next level.
All our amendments come from the finest sources. You choose the ingredients and proportions, and our industrial soil mixer provides a balanced and consistent blend that is very difficult to achieve with more general equipment.
In addition, we have raw and finished products to suit all needs.
Custom Soil Menu

Material Calculator
Use this calculator to determine how much material you would need to cover your square footage with one or more inches of material (soil, wood chips, rocks, etc).